
Homeowners in need of home repairs must complete a Homeowner Application and submit it with all required documentation to:

Rebuilding Together Spartanburg
P.O. Box 5852, Spartanburg, SC  29304


  • The applicant must be a homeowner.  We do not work on rental properties.

  • The homeowner must be a resident of Spartanburg County and be living in the home at the time of application (and if chosen as a home repair project). 

  • We do not work on mobile homes at this time.

  • Property taxes must be paid and current.

  • The homeowner must provide a copy of all income sources to include salary wages, disability, social security, unemployment, child support, alimony, retirement/pension, AFDC, SNAP, LIHAEP, etc.  Additional documentation is required to be submitted, as detailed on page #1 of  the application. 

  • The homeowner must sign and date the application.

Please note that if you do not have a method of printing, you may call our office to request an application.

How to apply